Community Appreciation and Clean-up Day – Saturday August 22, 11am

Now that the overgrown greenery is taken care of, we’ve got some work to do! On Saturday, August 22, 2015 at 11am we will be cleaning up the park by pulling weeds, trimming back bushes, assembling a new shed, and cleaning existing equipment. We are also working with Casey Trees to potentially organize a treeContinue reading “Community Appreciation and Clean-up Day – Saturday August 22, 11am”

! Park Closed Tuesday, August 18, 2015 8am-3pm !

Thanks to the generous support of our community members we are able to have our park surface de-compacted and to add several tons of new gravel. This will help tremendously with the draining and the dust that we have been having issues with. As a result, the park will be out of commission on TuesdayContinue reading “! Park Closed Tuesday, August 18, 2015 8am-3pm !”

NSDP Community Discussion: Park Upgrades

Community, The NSDPK9F board has been working hard to maintain, and even improve, the state of our park. It is an unfortunate reality that D.C. does not have the manpower to adequately maintain every inch of their park land. As such it is important for the community to play a role in the upkeep. To thatContinue reading “NSDP Community Discussion: Park Upgrades”

NSDP Community Discussion: Children In The Park

Community, The board has received several complaints about children playing unsupervised, and sometimes ineffectively supervised, in the dog park. The presence of children is certainly not offensive and, so long as they are supervised, there is no D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation regulation (Reference #17 in the Regulations listed here) that forbids them from usingContinue reading “NSDP Community Discussion: Children In The Park”